Sunday, May 25, 2008

SuNDaY JokES!!!!!!!......

The Clone
A scientist was successful in cloning himself.
He was asked to speak at a national convention of cloning scientists.
The meeting room was located on the 45th floor of a New York skyscraper.
The scientist arrived with his clone and proceeded to the podium. The clone sat at the end of the head table. The scientist began the speech intending a tribute to the advances in the field of modern biology.
"My fellow scientists," he began. But before he could utter another word, the clone sprang to his feet and shouted out a heap of abuse and swearing!". The crowd began to murmur as the scientist commanded the clone to "Sit down and shut-up!" Apologizing for the interruption, the scientist began again, "My fellow scientists..."

Again the clone sprang to his feet and yelled, swearing waving his arms about and abusing everyone in sight.

Incensed, the scientist rushed to the clone, grabbed him, and threw him out of the window.
The crowd gasped and security rushed into the room. A short while later the police arrived and were explained the events that had transpired.

The police chief said to the scientist, "We are going to have to arrest you." The scientist replied, "For what? I have committed no crime. What fell from the window was a clone, not a person." The attending scientists nodded in agreement. "Well," retorted the police chief, "we cannot let this heinous act go unchallenged."

The police chief thought for a moment and then ordered the scientist held, for "Making an obscene clone fall...."

The Head
A guy goes into the hospital to see his new born son, he goes up to the 1st cot and says to the doctor is that my baby, the doctor says no he goes to the next cot and again asks the doctor is that baby mine the doctor says no.

Finally he goes to the 3rd cot and looks in only to see a head, he says to the doctor is that head my baby the doctor says yes.
It was a bit of a shock only having a head for a baby but the man said he would take it home and bring it up anyway.
Now the head went home and steadily grew into a bigger head and older the father found a nice sport on the window sill for the head so it could see everything outside.
One day the head said to his father I am getting sick of just sitting here every day watching everyone else have fun outside and I can only sit here.

The father said if you pray really hard you might get a body so the head prayed really hard that night and in the morning he could hardly beleive it he had a body, legs, arms everthing.
He was so excited he jumped down off the window sill ran out the door, up the path, onto the road a big truck came along and splat he was dead.

Anyway do you know the moral to this story.

Quit while you are a head.

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